
What is considered a familiar?

What is considered a familiar?

familiar, in Western demonology, small animal or imp kept as a witch’s attendant, given to her by the devil or inherited from another witch. The familiar was a low-ranking demon that assumed any animal shape, such as a toad, dog, insect, or black cat.

What is a familiar vampire?

Familiars are the servants of vampires. Gifted with a tiny portion of a vampire’s power, a familiar becomes a lustful creature, pale in complexion and desiring blood for sustenance. From that moment on the familiar becomes addicted to the blood of their master, and will obey without question.

What is the opposite of familiar?

familiar. Antonyms: uncommon, rare, strange, extraordinary, unaccustomed, unacquainted, new, inconversant, unfamiliar. Synonyms: household, common, free, frank, affable, everyday, well-acquainted, accustomed, conversant, intimate.

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Is familiar with synonyms?


  • abreast.
  • advised.
  • apprised of.
  • clued in.
  • conversant.
  • enlightened.
  • familiar with.
  • familiarized.

Why does Laszlo say bat?

As a vampire, Laszlo gained powerful hypnosis abilities and the unique ability to control and communicate with animals. Like most vampires, he could transform into a bat, but for some reason he prefers to yell “bat!” each time before doing so.

Do familiars ever get turned into vampires?

Vampire familiars Unlike most humans, familiars are aware of the existence of vampires and choose to act as servants for their vampire master(s), in the hope that they will eventually be turned into a vampire themselves as a reward. Seeing elderly familiars who have served for years is very common.

Is a pet a family member?

In fact, the American Veterinary Medical Association found that 85 percent of dog-owners and 76 percent of cat-owners think of their pets as family.” …

What is the legal definition of a pet?

— The term “pet” means a domesticated animal, such as a dog, cat, bird, rodent, fish, turtle, or other animal that is kept for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes. …