
Is acupuncture good after a car accident?

Is acupuncture good after a car accident?

Acupuncture and its related modalities are uniquely effective treatments for the soft tissue injury that can follow an auto accident. Allopathic medicine (conventional treatment) has little to offer when it comes to healing soft tissue injuries other than prescribing pain medication.

Does acupuncture help with injuries?

Acupuncture can help relieve short-term pain and recover from dysfunction and has been used as a useful, noninvasive, and conservative modality for managing sports injuries such as lateral meniscus rupture, femoral acetabular impingement, ganglion cysts, and sports hernia.

Is acupuncture better than medicine?

In that study, published in November 2015 in Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers determined that up to 12 50-minute acupuncture treatments over several months were more effective for relieving chronic neck pain than customary treatment with pain relievers and physical therapy.

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Does acupuncture speed up healing?

Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

Does acupuncture help a torn tendon?

Acupuncture Is Particularly Effective In Promoting Tendon Healing For A Number Of Reasons: As the above studies demonstrate, electroacupuncture kickstarts a number of cellular processes that help tendons heal faster and stronger. Acupuncture is unique in the precision with which it can reach the site of injury.

When is acupuncture not recommended?

Bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or use of blood thinners. Infections skin disorder or disease. If pregnant, needling in the abdominal area or lumbosacral region should be avoided. It is also advisable to avoid any acupuncture that might stimulate the early delivery of the fetus or even lead to abortion.