
How does archive org deal with copyright?

How does archive org deal with copyright?

If the Internet Archive is made aware of content that infringes someone’s copyright, we will remove it per our Copyright Policy. We have a policy of terminating the accounts of users who we determine, in our discretion, to be “repeat infringers” of copyright.

Is archive org copyrighted?

Yes, it is legal. Most of the stuff on that site is under creative common licenses or is in the public domain. Furthermore, many artists upload their music on the site for others to download. However, some of the stuff on the site is copyrighted.

How is archive org legal?

In its response to the lawsuit, the Internet Archive denies it has violated copyright laws and says its CDL program is fundamentally the same as traditional library lending and is protected by U.S. copyright law’s fair use doctrine because it serves the public interest in preservation, access and research.

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Why is archive org sued?

Yesterday, the Internet Archive filed our response to the lawsuit brought by four commercial publishers to end the practice of Controlled Digital Lending (CDL), the digital equivalent of traditional library lending. CDL is a respectful and secure way to bring the breadth of our library collections to digital learners.

Are books on Archive org legal?

In the case of specifically, they might have a good claim to fair use, given that they’re not for profit and are doing what they do for educational, historical, and archival purposes. Well, they do copy without explicit permission. However, fair use is a defense to a claim of copyright infringement.

Are Roms on Archive org legal?

These ROM images are like all other software and are protected by copyright law. Most are commercial software that do not permit copying and distributing.

Is Archive org legal in India?

It seems Bollywood is the reason why the Internet Archive (, an online digital library that allows people to find archived versions of webpages via a free service called the Wayback Machine, is blocked in India.

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Is downloading from Internet Archive legal?

Is Openlibrary legal?

The Internet Archive describes Open Library as follows: They do not limit Open Library to people with print disabilities. Rather, they are displaying and distributing full-text copies of copyrighted books to the entire world without authorization, in flagrant violation of copyright law.