
What should I pack for Poland?

What should I pack for Poland?

Here is a list of things to think about taking when you pack your bags for a trip to Poland:

  • Suntan lotion.
  • A first aid kit.
  • An umbrella, always handy, to protect yourself from the rain or… the sun.
  • A few books or some music to while away time on the long train rides.
  • A bottle of disinfectant solution for the hands.

What do I need to know before going to Poland?

12 Travel Tips You Need To Know Before Visiting Poland

  • Don’t call it Eastern Europe (it’s not, and you WILL be corrected)
  • It’s not as cold as you think.
  • Try to learn a few words, as Poles really appreciate the effort (even if terribly mispronounced)
  • Tap water is safe to drink, but don’t let anyone see you do it.
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What essentials should I bring?

Don’t have time to read the full article? Here’s a quick rundown of the main essentials to pack before you leave the house:

  • Passport.
  • Phone charger / portable phone charger.
  • Euros.
  • EU adapters.
  • Flip flops (for the hostel bathrooms)
  • Water bottle.
  • Socks.
  • Underwear.

How much is Poland visa fees?

Visa fee is 80 euro. The visa application fee is non-returnable, whatever the consul’s decision.

What should I not forget to pack?

Most Commonly Forgotten Things to Pack

  • Don’t Forget Travel Documents.
  • One of the Most Commonly Forgotten Things to Pack Are Snacks.
  • Keep a Hand Sanitizer Close By.
  • Remember to Bring Your Medicine and First Aid Kit.
  • Fill a Small Bag With Toiletries.
  • Don’t Forget Glasses and Sunglasses.
  • Pack Chargers and Headphones.

What should I put in hand luggage?

7 items you should always pack in your carry-on bag

  • Your passport Or ID. Don’t forget to keep some form of identification on you.
  • Phone and device chargers.
  • Face Masks and Hand Sanitiser.
  • A change of clothes.
  • Headphones.
  • Refillable water bottle.
  • Daily medication.
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What things are illegal in Poland?

Bear the following in mind to enjoy a hassle-free stay:

  • Validate public transport tickets. You must validate your ticket before making a journey on a bus or tram.
  • Road safety for pedestrians.
  • Smoking.
  • Public drinking.
  • Public drunkenness.
  • Alcohol and bicycles.
  • Bar and strip club scams.
  • Prostitution.