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How much does AC cost per hour in Pakistan?

How much does AC cost per hour in Pakistan?

2 Star Split AC Electricity Consumption: 1.0 Ton Split AC – 1.15 kW per hour (Approx 1.1 unit per hour) 1.5 Ton Split AC – 1.7 kW per hour (Approx 1.7 unit per hour) 2.0 Ton Split AC – 2.21 kW per hour (Approx 2.2 unit per hour)

How much electricity does AC use in Pakistan?


Appliance Power (W)
1 ton Inverter AC 900
1.5 ton AC* 2000
1.5 ton Inverter AC 1200
2 ton AC 2500

How much does it cost to run an AC for 3 hours?

Calculating Using Your Electricity Costs Yep, a standard 3 ton AC will cost you a whopping 55 cents an hour to run assuming the previous numbers. This may not sound like much but it can add up quick. Let’s keep calculating. Let’s say it’s hot every day of the month and you run it for 30 days.

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How much does an AC cost in Pakistan?

Most Popular 1.5 Ton Inverter AC in Pakistan

Brand Price
Haier Inverter AC – 1.5 Ton Starts from PKR 80,000
Orient Inverter AC – 1.5 Ton Starts from PKR 84,000
Pel Inverter AC – 1.5 Ton Starts from PKR 80,000
Dawlance Inverter AC – 1.5 Ton Starts from PKR 80,000

Are AC expensive to run?

On average, running an air conditioner costs between $0.06 and $0.88 per hour. Let’s calculate how much does air conditioning cost per month (running 8h per day): Low end: $14.40/month. High end: $211.20/month.

Which AC is best in Karachi?

Best Inverter AC in Pakistan 2020

  • Samsung Wind free inverter Air Conditioner: One of the best inverter AC in Pakistan is the Samsung.
  • LG Titan Inverter AC : This inverter AC is launched by LG Company.
  • Kenwood e Sleek Inverter :
  • Mitsubishi Inverter Series inverter AC :
  • Dawlance Inverter AC :

Which is cheapest AC in Pakistan?

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Buy New ACs in Pakistan Directly From Official Daraz Mall Stores!

Inverter AC Price in Pakistan PKR
Candy 1.5 Ton DC Inverter -Turbo Cooling-Wide Voltage-Energy 72,499
Haier 1 Ton DC Inverter-Triple Inverter Series-Self Cleaning-UPS Enabled 63,999
Changhong Ruba SDH-18SW Pro 1.5 Ton Heat and Cool DC Invertor Air 85,999