
Can you use a colon and a dash in the same sentence?

Can you use a colon and a dash in the same sentence?

Dashes and Drama Although they also have other uses, dashes and colons can both be used to introduce the next part of a sentence, and the difference between the two marks is subtle. A dash is a stronger and more informal mark than a colon. Think of a colon as part of the sentence that just ambles along.

Can you use a question mark after a semi colon?

Can you ask a question after a semicolon? Sure. However, a semicolon has two main uses: one as a separator in a list where commas won’t do, because one (or more) of the items within the list has commas within it. All the items in the list get a semicolon!

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Can you put two questions in one sentence?

Two questions can be rephrased to create one sentence with one question mark. You can ask two questions: Do you want meat? Do you want fish? Another example of using one mark for two questions, from the University of Maryland Writing Center, uses a quotation: Did Fadumo ask, “Are we going to the Washington Monument?”

Can two punctuation marks be used together?

Punctuation Clusters. In general, you should not use more than one ending punctuation mark (period, question mark, exclamation point) in a row. If you are quoting a question, it should end with a question mark, not a question mark and a period.

When can you use a colon?

A colon is used to give emphasis, present dialogue, introduce lists or text, and clarify composition titles. Emphasis—Capitalize the first word after the colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence. (She had one love: Western Michigan University.)

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Can you use two colons in a sentence?

Colons have a number of functions in a sentence. If you use colons in your writing, use them sparingly, and never use a colon more than once in any sentence.

Does a question mark always end a sentence?

Rule: The question mark ends the sentence; no additional period. Rule: The question mark (inside the closing quotation mark) ends the sentence; no period. She kept asking, “Why me?” The question mark (inside the closing quotation mark) ends the sentence; no additional question mark.

Can we use question mark in formal email?

There is no bar in using a question mark in Email. If situation requires, then one may use it. In an informal chatting one may say.