
How much waste water is treated in India?

How much waste water is treated in India?

Management of India’s water waste Currently, India has the capacity to treat approximately 37\% of its wastewater, or 22,963 million litres per day (MLD), against a daily sewage generation of approximately 61,754 MLD according to the 2015 report of the Central Pollution Control Board.

How much raw untreated sewage is dumped in the river each day?

“Every day, 2 million tons of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste are discharged into the world’s water (UN WWAP 2003), the equivalent of the weight of the entire human population of 6.8 billion people.”

What is the permissible limit of cod in drinking water?

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250 mg/l.
According to standards of Central Pollution Control Board, permissible value of BOD is 30 mg/l and COD is 250 mg/l.

What percentage of India’s sewer waste remains untreated?

’78\% of sewage generated in India remains untreated’

How much sewage is in the ocean?

About a billion gallons (3.8 billion liters) of sewage (pdf), in fact. That’s according to Friends of the Earth, a non-governmental environmental group, which used US Environmental Protection Agency data to calculate arrive at that gross figure.

What is the composition of sewage?

Chemically, the sewage consists of approximately 99\% water and 1\% inorganic and organic matter in suspended and soluble forms.

What happens to waste water in India?

According to estimates, about 80\% of the sewage in India flows into rivers, lakes and ponds. This sewage is untreated and pollutes water bodies. It also often seeps underground, which is a cause of concern, since drinking water is primarily sourced from groundwater.

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How much sewage is in the Ganges river?

Sources of Ganges River Pollution A Reuters infographic notes the volume as around 4.8 billion liters (almost 1.3 billion gallons) of sewage every day, exceeding the treatment capacity of only one billion liters per day. Pipes discharge raw, untreated sewage directly into the Ganges.

How much sewage is dumped in the Ganges river?

In addition, the NMCG presentation showed, about 4.8 billion litres of sewage from 118 towns and cities flows into the Ganges every day. The functioning capacity to treat sewage is only one billion litres per day.