
How do I read a Word document in Apache POI?

How do I read a Word document in Apache POI?

Java – Read and Write Microsoft Word with Apache POI

  1. Apache POI – HWPF and XWPF.
  2. Apache POI dependencies.
  3. Create a word document.
  4. Working with Paragraphs, Fonts, and Page breaks.
  5. Document Header and Footer.
  6. Add Image.
  7. Create a table.
  8. Read and parse document, paragraph, and table.

How do I replace text in Microsoft Word document using Apache POI?

The routine for replacing text is implemented in the replaceText() method. This method take the HWPFDocument , the String to find and the String to replace it as parameters. The openDocument() opens the Word document. When the text replacement is done the Word document will be saved by the saveDocument() method.

What is XWPFDocument in Java?

All Implemented Interfaces: java.io.Closeable, java.lang.AutoCloseable, Document, IBody. public class XWPFDocument extends POIXMLDocument implements Document, IBody. High(ish) level class for working with . docx files.

What is Docx4j?

Docx4j is a Java library used for creating and manipulating Office OpenXML files – which means it can only work with the . docx file type, while older versions of Microsoft Word use a . doc extension (binary files). Note that the OpenXML format is supported by Microsoft Office starting with the 2007 version.

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How do I replace one word in DOCX with Java?

Find and Replace Text in Word Documents (DOC/DOCX) using Java

  1. Create an instance of Document class and pass to it the Word document’s path.
  2. Find and replace text using Document. getRange. replace(String, String, FindReplaceOptions) method.
  3. Save the document using Document. save(String) method.

How do you program a Word document?

How to Make a Program on Microsoft Word

  1. Open Microsoft Word, click the “File” tab and click “New.” Double-click the “More templates” folder under the “Available Templates” section.
  2. Double-click the “Programs” folder to open the collection of Word program templates.
  3. Click into the program title text box.

How do I find and replace in Word in Java?

What is aspose words in Java?

Aspose. Words for Java is an advanced Java Word processing API that enables you to perform a great range of document processing tasks directly within your Java applications. Aspose. Words for Java API supports processing word (DOC, DOCX, OOXML, RTF) HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, EPUB, XPS, SWF and all image formats.

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What is CTP in Apache POI?

They are auto-generated from the published OOXML specification XML Schema files. If the xml element in the file is a p one, then the resulting XMLBeans wrapper for OOXML will be CTP . If it’s table , then it’ll be CTTable .