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What happened between Somalia and Ethiopia in 1977?

What happened between Somalia and Ethiopia in 1977?

In 1977 Ethiopia and Somalia engaged in a brief territory conflict over the Ogaden region situated between and claimed by both nations. They intensified their control when a military coup led to the assassination of Somali President Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, and the army’s seizure of control of the nation in 1969.

Why was Ogaden given to Ethiopia?

Ethiopia unsuccessfully pleaded before the London Conference of the Allied Powers to gain the Ogaden and Eritrea in 1945, but their persistent negotiations and pressure from the United States eventually persuaded the British to cede Ogaden to Ethiopia in 1948.

Is Somalia tribe in Kenya?

Somali is a Cushitic tribe that lives in Kenya’s Northeastern Province. They also resides in larger numbers in the neighboring Republic of Somalia and Ethiopia.

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Why did Somalia go to war with Ethiopia?

Successive Somali governments objected to the demarcation of the 1,000-mile border with Ethiopia, which was drawn by colonial powers. In 1964, the two countries fought a war over the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia, which is home to mainly ethnic Somalis.

Who won the war between Ethiopia and Somalia?

Ogaden War

Date July 13, 1977 – March 23, 1978 (8 months and 2 days)
Location Ogaden, Ethiopia
Result Ethiopian victory Cuban military intervention Somalia breaks all ties with the Soviet Bloc and the Second World (except China and Romania). Beginning of the Somali Rebellion

Why are there many Somalis in Kenya?

Following the civil war in Somalia that broke out in 1991, many Somalis sought asylum in the Somali-inhabited enclaves of Kenya. An entrepreneurial community, they established themselves in the business sector, particularly in the Nairobi suburb of Eastleigh.

Does NFD belong to Somalia?

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The majority of the people in the N.F.D. are Somali and a small proportion are Galla. Both Somali and Galla extend into Ethiopia.