
Is surgery covered under mediclaim?

Is surgery covered under mediclaim?

Health insurance products offer comprehensive cover for various medical expenses, including surgical expenses. Day Care Treatment: Operation mediclaim and health insurance plans with surgery cover prove beneficial when the patient has to avail day care surgical procedures.

What is not covered in New India Assurance?

Any expenses incurred towards pre-term or pre-mature care or expenses incurred in connection with delivery of such New Born Baby are not covered under this clause. No coverage for the New Born Baby would be available during subsequent renewals unless the child is declared for Insurance and covered as an Insured Person.

Is cataract surgery covered by New India insurance?

Yes. New India Assurance health insurance plans cover the cost of cataract surgery in India. The New India Assurance health insurance plans cover the cost of cataract surgery up to Rs 1,50,000 per eye during the policy year.

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What is ailment limit?

All hospitalisation expenses admissible in respect of the condition/ ailment will be restricted to the specified limit during the policy period. Limit on the total liability of the Insurance in the event of a claim. If Sum Insured is Rs. 100,000, the insurance company will pay claims only up to Rs. 80,000.

Does surgery cover insurance?

In a nutshell, surgeries are generally covered by health insurance policies but with some terms and conditions. In most cases, they must be ‘medically necessary’ to be approved by the insurance company when you file for a claim.

Is Ayurvedic treatment covered under New India Assurance?

New India Assurance’s extends cover to individuals undergoing treatment with the help of Ayurvedic, homeopathic and Unani systems of medicine. “Such claims will be covered only to the extent of 25\% of sum insured.

Is Lasik cover by New India Assurance?

Note: The congenital disease is applicable only for new born covered under this health insurance policy. Cosmetic surgery, Lasik eye treatments, drugs or alcohol abuse, genetic disorders, self-inflicted injuries, war related injuries, etc. are some of the permanent exclusions.

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Is pacemaker covered by New India Assurance?

2.4 Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre Charges, Surgical Appliances, Medicines &Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cost of Pacemaker, Artificial Limbs & Cost of Organs and similar expenses. 2.5 Pre-hospitalization medical charges up to 30 days period.

What is capped insurance?

The amount of money an insurance plan will pay in total benefits. Once a patient’s medical bills reach the total, or cap, the plan will no longer provide coverage.