
How do you use birth in a sentence?

How do you use birth in a sentence?

Birth sentence example

  1. He even had a birth certificate for me.
  2. A year later they started a family with the birth of their first daughter.
  3. Birth information showed her age at twenty-six.
  4. Giving birth had no way diminished her beauty.
  5. If she was a human, she wouldn’t be giving birth out here in the barn.

How do you use bed in a sentence?

1) The children were put to bed and then not checked on again. 2) You have your little girl to bath and put to bed. 3) The doctor ordered that the patient be put to bed very early. 4) The children had been put to bed when she returned.

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How do you say give birth in English?

Synonyms & Antonyms of give birth to

  1. bear,
  2. birth.
  3. [chiefly dialect],
  4. deliver,
  5. drop,
  6. have,
  7. mother,
  8. produce.

How do you put a baby to bed?

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  1. Swaddling (for infants).
  2. Massage.
  3. Any light, repetitive movement, like swaying or swinging.
  4. Feeding (not until babies fall asleep, but just until they become drowsy).
  5. Dimming the lights.
  6. Playing soft music or tranquil sounds from a white noise machine or app. (Turn off the TV.)

What does put to bed mean in business?

Fig. to complete work on something and send it on to the next step in production, especially in publishing. (From put someone to bed.) This week’s edition is finished. Let’s put it to bed.

Can birth be used as a verb?

birth used as a verb: To bear or give birth to (a child).

What is the difference between birth and berth?

The noun berth refers to a place to sleep (usually on a train or ship), a place for a boat to moor, or a person’s place or position on a team. The noun birth refers to the arrival of a baby (that is, the emergence of an infant from its mother’s body) or to the beginning of something.

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What does put her to bed mean?

put (someone or something) to bed To help someone, typically a child, prepare for and get into bed at night.

What is the meaning of put to?

DEFINITIONS4. (put something to someone) to explain a plan or suggestion to a group of people so that they can discuss it and decide whether to accept it or not. I put the resolution to the meeting. put it to someone that: I put it to her that their relationship may not have been as good as she thought.

What’s another way to say give birth?

What is another word for giving birth?

childbirth delivery
labor pains accouchement
parturition birthing
travail lying-in
childbed confinement

What is another word for giving birth?

In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for childbirth, like: delivering, blessed-event, parturition, accouchement, childbearing, birth, travail, procreation, parturient, labor and childbed.