
What does each beholder eye do?

What does each beholder eye do?

A beholder’s eyes each possess a different magical ability; the main eye projects an anti-magical cone, and the other eyes have different spell-like abilities (disintegrate objects, transmute flesh to stone, cause sleep, slow the motion of objects or beings, charm animals, charm humans, cause death, induce fear.

Can beholders control minds?

D&D players can tell a lot about a creature from the spells and magic they wield. So is the case with Beholders. It should be noted that they also take extreme delight in wrecking the psyche of their enemies through various methods of mind control or intrusive psychic spells.

How many eyes do beholders have?

A beholder, sometimes called a sphere of many eyes or an eye tyrant, was a large aberration normally found in the Underdark. These large, orb-shaped beings had ten eyestalks and one central eye, each containing powerful magic. Powerful and intelligent, beholders were among the greatest threats to the world.

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What happens when a beholder sleeps?

When a beholder sleeps, its body goes briefly dormant but its mind never stops working. The creature is fully aware, even though to an outside observer it might appear oblivious of its surroundings.

What can you do with beholder eye stalks?

You can turn a beholder eyestalk into a Stalk Wand that can shoot the beholder’s various magic rays, or brew aboleth blood into a potion of the aberrant gaze. Each item comes with its own instructions on how to craft it, along with any skill checks that a player will need to make while making it.

Can beholders see invisibility?

Beholders, I’m pretty sure. Nope, they don’t see through invisibility, even with the SCS. Meanwhile, the SCS has a component for Illithids to see through invisibility (matches the Tactics mod).

What can a beholder do?

A beholder channels extraordinary levels of magical power. Its central eye emits a broad field of energy that can nullify the magic of its foes, while its eye stalks blast those foes with a host of powerful effects.