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Do pop songs use drums?

Do pop songs use drums?

In Pop, the bass drum and snare drum are the most important. If you took away the cymbals and hi-hat, a song could still survive with just a bass drum and snare drum. The worst thing you can hear is a drummer playing Pop with a LOUD cymbal, and a QUIET bass drum and snare drum.

Are drums important in music?

Drums are important in a band because they provide melody, dynamics, and rhythm. When approached correctly, these elements will make the drummer crucial to any group or musician they desire to play with.

Do songs need drums?

Not every song needs a pulsating drum track that grooves with the rest of the instruments. Some songs are simply too delicate for that. From a production standpoint, the drums just get in the way and crowd out the real essence of the song. Sometimes you need something simpler while still keeping the song flowing.

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Is drumming considered music?

1. A drum is not a musical instrument, it’s a percussion instrument. 2. You can’t tune a drum or a drum doesn’t go out of tune.

Which instrument is best for pop?

Guitars. Guitars are common in pop music. Types of guitars used in this type of music include bass guitars, acoustic guitars and electric guitars. A guitar is a stringed instrument.

Who is the most popular pop music artist?


  • 1 Michael Jackson99\%
  • 2 Whitney Houston98\%
  • 3 Lady Gaga97\%
  • 4 Beyoncé97\%
  • 5 Britney Spears97\%
  • 6 Mariah Carey97\%
  • 7 Jennifer Lopez96\%
  • 8 Justin Timberlake96\%

Are the drums popular?

As one of the most popular instruments for modern and classical musicians, the drums can be found in basically every genre of music, from tribal songs to modern rock and pop. If you’ve always wanted to learn to play the drums, but haven’t gotten around to learning yet, now is your chance!

Can a song have no drums?

Drumless, or ‘Minus Drums’ songs are recordings where the drum part has been taken out. It’s a cool practice tool to not only help you learn new songs, but it is also great for developing timing and timekeeping skills.

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Do drums and piano sound good together?

Yes – undoubtedly. Most Jazz is based around the trio of piano, bass and drums.