
Should I create a repository for each project?

Should I create a repository for each project?

I would absolutely keep each project in its own repository, separate from all others. This will give each project its own history of commits. Rollbacks on one project will not affect other projects.

What is a git Monorepo?

What is a monorepo? Definitions vary, but we define a monorepo as follows: The repository contains more than one logical project (e.g. an iOS client and a web-application) These projects are most likely unrelated, loosely connected or can be connected by other means (e.g via dependency management tools)

How do I use multiple Git repositories?

The usual workflow when working with the code synced to two or more repositories looks like this:

  1. make changes in the code of the project;
  2. use git add command to add changed/updated files as usual;
  3. make a commit using git commit command as usual;
  4. push code changes to the first repository: git push github master ;
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What is a monorepo and why you should care?

With a monorepo, projects can be organized and grouped together in whatever way you find to be most logically consistent, and not just because your version control system forces you to organize things in a particular way. Using a single repo also reduces overhead from managing dependencies.

Can we have multiple projects in one repository?

Yes. You can put multiple projects in one Git repository but they would need to be on different branches within that repo.

When should you not use monorepo?

Monorepo vs multirepo: when you shouldn’t use a monorepository. One frequently cited case against using a single code repository is that it doesn’t scale well. Git performance slows down as the number of commits gets larger and the history deepens.

How do you manage monorepo?

Best Practices for Monorepo Management Maintain branch hygiene. Keep branches small, consider adopting trunk-based development. Use pinned dependencies for every project. Upgrade dependencies all at once, force every project to keep up with the dependencies.

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How do I link two repositories in GitHub?

1 Answer

  1. make sure P1 or P2 are in their own git repo (pushed to their respective GitHub repo)
  2. declare P1 and P2 as submodule of R1 , with a directive for them to follow a branch (like master) git submodule add -b master [URL of P1] P1/

Can I have two remote repositories?

It is easy to synchronize code between multiple git repositories, especially, pushing to multiple remotes. All you need to do is set up multiple push URLs on a remote and then perform git push to that remote as you usually do.

How many git repositories can I have?

The number of public or private repo is now unlimited. Theoretically, everyone can has an unlimited number of public and private repositories even as part of a free plan.