
How do French people feel about the American cheese industry?

How do French people feel about the American cheese industry?

France is proud, some would say arrogant, of its cheesemaking and condescending toward cheeses made in other countries, especially places that don’t have the centuries-old cheesemaking heritage that European countries make an integral part of their marketing, branding and pricing.

Do Dutch people love cheese?

The Dutch drink a lot of milk, eat a lot of cheese, and are now the tallest people in the world. For the Dutch, cheeses, milk, yoghurts and other dairy products are not only staple foods but national symbols, and the bedrock of a major export industry. …

Why is cheese so popular in Netherlands?

The Dutch produce so much cheese out of necessity since only grass grows well at their low-lying soggy farmland below sea level. The Dutch produce almost 900 million kg of cheese annually, most of which is exported.

Why French are obsessed with cheese?

Regular, early exposure to a wide variety of flavours, textures – not to mention some very funky smells – turns each generation of French children into adult connoisseurs. This is why French people love cheese so much.

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Why do French eat cheese after dinner?

An apéro is a casual social gathering where drinks and snacks are served. Cheese is eaten in moderation in France. It’s quality as opposed to quantity. Eating a little high quality cheese after your main meal will allow you to feel more satisfied, resulting in eating less cheese.

Is Dutch cheese good?

Almost half of the cheese production in Holland is devoted to this iconic cheese, making it the Netherlands’ most important and best-known cheese. Gouda is a semi-hard cheese with a 48 percent milk fat content and a mild to piquant taste. Aging intensifies the flavor and hardness.

What cheese is Holland famous for?

The most popular cheeses from Holland are Gouda and Edam. There are many other types of Dutch cheese, however, such as: Frisian, Limburger, Kernhem, Bluefort, Subenhara, Maasdam, Old Amsterdam, Old Alkmaar, Mimolette Commission, Maasland, Texelaar-Kollumer, Leyden and Leerdammer.

Do people eat American cheese outside of America?

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Yes, some countries outside of the US do sell American cheeses.

How do French people eat blue cheese?

If the cheese is very soft, gooey, or in a wooden box: eat the rind. Goat cheese: eat the rind. Blue cheese: eat the rind. If the cheese has a wrinkly, brain-like textured rind: eat it.