
Which search engine is most used in Russia?

Which search engine is most used in Russia?

Yandex was the leading search engine in Russia from July to September 2021, accounting for over 59 percent of total user visits over that period. The second most-visited search engine in the country was Google, whose share of visits increased from the previous quarter.

What does Russia use instead of Google?

Yandex is to Russia as Google is to most other places, in that it’s the country’s most popular search engine, has its own browser and provides email and cloud storage services, among others. And now, with the launch of Yandex.

What is the most popular site in Russia?

Top Websites Ranking for all categories in Russian Federation

Rank Website Change
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What sites do Russians use?

Most popular Russian sites – Yandex, Rambler,, Google

  • Yandex – 67.0.
  • Rambler – 57.1.
  • – 41.6.
  • Google – 12.3.
  • Referat.Ru – 11.0.
  • Russia OnLine – 9.4.
  • Yahoo! – 9.3.
  • RosBusinessConsulting – 7.7.

Why is Yandex better than Google in Russia?

Yandex is better for Russian language search Yandex was created specifically for the Russian market and is better able to handle specific Russian search challenges. In general, Google is not nearly as effective at parsing user intent over spelling in non-English search, but it is even weaker in Russian.

Where is Yandex popular?

Yandex is the most-used search engine in Russia and the fifth most popular worldwide. It has a Nasdaq-traded stock and a market cap of over $14 billion.

Is Yandex a good search engine?

As mentioned above, Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia with a 48.79\% market share, compared to Google’s 47.88\%. According to Similarweb, is also the single most visited website in Russia. However, Yandex is also very popular in many other countries other than Russia.

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Is there Alexa in Russia?

Russia launches its own version of Amazon Alexa with ‘near-human levels’ of speech recognition. AI assistant being launched by Russia’s largest search engine. Yandex claims that “Alice” is first conversational intelligent assistant. Taxi’s, entertainment, news, and weather all available services.