
How do you use Moindre?

How do you use Moindre?

(I am the smallest.) For abstract nouns, you use moindre que or le moindre. This almost gives the meaning of “less.” Ce prix est moindre que le mien.

When to use plus de?

J’ai plus de livres que toiI have more books than you (do)….How to express to have more [things] than [someone]

English French
more [thing/s] than plus de [chose/s] que
less/fewer [thing/s] than moins de [chose/s] que

What is the difference between Aussi and autant?

means “He is as tall as I am.” Il court aussi vite que moi means “He runs as fast as me.” But for verbs and nouns, you should actually use autant que. The placement of autant que is exactly the same; it’s just a different word. And use autant que instead of aussi que when you’re talking about nouns and verbs.

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How do you use autant in French?

J’ai autant de frères que lui – I have as many brothers as he does. Mange autant que tu veux – Eat as much as you want. Je ne m’attendais pas à autant de monde !

What is the difference between Superlatif and Comparatif?

What are comparative and superlative adjectives? The comparative (le comparatif) allows us to compare two nouns. The superlative (le superlatif) compares one thing against a whole group and expresses the idea of the most (le plus …) or the least (le moins …).

How do you use Pire in French?

In French, you’ll use the adverb pire when: making a general statement with être about something or someone being bad/worse/the worst: C’est moins douloureux comme ça? – Non, c’est pire ! Is it less painful like this? – No, it’s worse!

How do you use comparisons in French?

Comparing Adjectives. The simplest comparison is with adjectives: just put plus, moins, or aussi in front of the adjective. The comparative itself is invariable, but, as always, the adjective has to agree with its noun in gender and number.

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Do adverbs agree in French?

Adverbs in French tend to have the same position in a sentence as they do in English. The equivalent French ending is ‐ ment. Unlike the required agreement of French adjectives, adverbs in French do not agree with anything because they modify verbs, adjectives, or adverbs and not nouns or pronouns.

How do you use autant de?

When comparing with nouns, use plus de (noun) que for superiority, moins de (noun) que for inferiority, and autant de (noun) que for equality.

How do you use plus que in French?

The plus-que-parfait is used when the speaker needs to position one action with respect to another. Frequently its use will be signaled by adverbs (such as déjà) which can heighten the sense of opposition between actions: Quand je suis rentré, j’avais déjà appris la mauvaise nouvelle.

What is the opposite of moins in French?

moins. no more, not any more. less. le plus. the most.

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How do you use Comparatif?

To make a comparison that includes an adjective, follow these easy steps:

  1. Start with subject + a conjugation of être (to be) + plus/moins/aussi + adjective that matches the subject. For example: il est plus grand (he is taller).
  2. Add que + the original noun that you’re comparing against.