
Is Mystic topaz a real gemstone?

Is Mystic topaz a real gemstone?

Mystic Topaz is actually an Enhanced, however still real , Topaz Gemstone. White Topaz isCoated with a Layer of Titanium on the Pavilion to Create these Wonderful Colours. Mystic topaz is an 8 on the Mohs scale and very suitable for everyday wear in rings, pendants or earrings.

Is Mystic topaz fake?

A common misconception is that mystic topaz isn’t a real stone. In reality, it is a real gemstone that has undergone treatment to enhance its appearance. The treatment is performed on natural white topaz, which is a gemstone (and a popular diamond substitute) in its own right.

How can I tell if my mystic topaz is real?

There are a few easy ways to tell a real topaz apart from quartz. The first characteristic to keep in mind is the hardness factor. An original topaz will scratch glass while quartz will not leave a mark on it. Moreover, a real topaz is also cool to touch and it gets electrified easily.

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Are topaz stones valuable?

In contrast, precious topaz (a.k.a. ‘imperial’ topaz) in rich orange colors fetches prices in excess of $1000/ct. for large (10 ct. +) sizes. The most valuable topaz is a rich pink or red color, and can reach $3500/ct.

What is Mystic topaz good for?

Throughout history, mystic topaz has been associated with healing and good luck. As well as bringing good fortune, the stone is believed to have the power to ward off evil (or negative energy) while boosting your energy and positive feelings.

Is Mystic topaz the same as rainbow topaz?

Is Mystic Topaz and Rainbow Topaz the Same Stone? Yes! Mystic topaz is commonly referred to as Rainbow Topaz. It is quite a new gem stone, first seen around 1998.

How long does Mystic topaz last?

If treated properly mystic topaz can last a lifetime. Though the process that the stone undergoes is more appealing to the eye the actual topaz gemstone holds more value in its natural form.

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What color of topaz is most valuable?

The most valuable colors of topaz are the golden orange-yellow type known as ‘Imperial Topaz’. The deepness of the color with reddish hues adds value to the gem and is very desirable. Continuous exposure to daylight can fade the yellowish brown colored topaz.

What is the rarest color of topaz?

The traditional November birthstone, topaz is a popular gem. Although frequently associated with golden yellow as well as blue, it can be found in a variety of colors, including colorless. The rarest are natural pink, red, and fine golden orange, sometimes with a pink tone.

What is the difference between mystic topaz and mystic quartz?

Mystic topaz has been the gemstone of the century. For example, the base material is White Topaz in Mystic topaz while the base material is White crystal quartz in the Mystic quartz. The hardness of topaz (7 on the Mohs scale) is higher than Mystic Quartz (5 on the Mohs scale of hardness) and so it’s easier to coat.

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What is the rarest topaz?

Imperial Topaz
Imperial Topaz, also known as Precious Topaz is the rarest and most valuable of the Topaz family, coming in colors ranging from golden yellow to the extremely prized sherry pink color.

How can you tell the quality of topaz?

Perhaps the most important characteristic of topaz is its color, which to a large extent determines the stone’s value. Generally, the more intense the tone of a topaz gemstone, the more valuable it is. Pink and blue varieties of topaz are rare to find, and such stones are quite expensive if their color is natural.