
Do I need to cite a source twice?

Do I need to cite a source twice?

According to the APA 7th edition, on page 254, “it is considered overcitation to repeat the same citation in every sentence when the source and topic have not changed.” So generally, as long as the reader can tell which source you are drawing on or responding to, you don’t need to keep adding citations.

How do I cite a source I found in another source MLA?

To cite a source from a secondary source, mention both the original and secondary sources in the text, and list only the secondary source in the works-cited list entry. MLA requires you to use the abbreviation qtd. in (“quoted in”) before the indirect source you cite in your parenthetical reference.

How do you cite something someone else cited in APA?

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Secondary Source (Indirect citation)

  1. Include both the original author, publication year, and the original (primary) author and year of the work where quote/idea was found in the in-text reference.
  2. Add “as cited in” before the author in the in-text reference.

How often should you cite the same source?

Including just one citation at the end of a paragraph is not sufficient unless the last sentence is the only information in the paragraph that came from the cited source. Cite sources often and correctly throughout a paragraph in order to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

How do you cite sources in MLA?

Last name, First name of Author 1, and First Name Last Name of Author 2. “Title of Web Page.” Title of Website, Publisher, date published in day month year format, URL.

Do I cite the original source or secondary?

You should always try to read and cite the original work (the primary source). If it is not possible to do this, you have to cite the original as contained in the secondary source. Your in-text citation should include both authors: the author(s) of the original source and the author(s) of the secondary source.

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How do you cite an indirect source in APA?

In an APA in-text citation, you use the phrase “as cited in” if you want to cite a source indirectly (i.e., if you cannot find the original source). Narrative citation: Brown (1829, as cited in Mahone, 2018) states that… On the reference page, you only include the secondary source (Mahone, 2018).