
How do you cite a source in a college paper?

How do you cite a source in a college paper?

You must cite all information used in your paper, whenever and wherever you use it. When citing sources in the body of your paper, list the author’s last name only (no initials) and the year the information was published, like this: (Dodge, 2008). (Author, Date).

How do you cite Quora in APA?

It’s as easy as paste, quote, cite. On the web version of Quora, you’ll want to open up both the answer/comment you want to cite and the answer you are going to cite it in. Highlight and copy the text, then paste it into your answer.

How do you cite Quora MLA?

Author. “Posting Title.” Online posting. Date of Your Access. Website name.

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How do you cite a research paper Harvard style?

Basic format to reference journal articles

  1. Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  2. Year of publication of the article.
  3. Article title (in single inverted commas).
  4. Journal title (in italics).
  5. Volume of journal.
  6. Issue number of journal.
  7. Page range of article.

How do you Harvard reference a paper?

References: Author Surname, Initial(s) Year of publication, ‘Title of paper’, in (Initial and Surname of editors), Title of published proceedings which may include place held and date, Publisher, Place of Publication, page number(s).

Can we cite Quora?

It’s a question I’ve seen pop up on the internet once in a while: How do you cite a Quora answer? All you have to do is click Continue and the Quora answer will be added to your bibliography with the correct link, author, title, and publisher. Voilà!

Is Quora good for research?

This past December Quora launched boards, making it easier to organize questions and answers on a particular topic. This newly launched feature is a great research tool because it often pulls quality conversations and articles all to one place.