
How did the Indian farmers benefit from the Green Revolution?

How did the Indian farmers benefit from the Green Revolution?

The Green Revolution in late 1960s introduced the Indian farmer to high yielding variety of seeds to produce much greater amount of grain on a single plant.

What are the benefits of Green Revolution to farmers?

The green revolution led to high productivity of crops through adapted measures, such as (1) increased area under farming, (2) double-cropping, which includes planting two crops rather than one, annually, (3) adoption of HYV of seeds, (4) highly increased use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, (5) improved …

How were farmers affected by the Green Revolution?

These are: the change from traditional sustainable methods to monocropping and unsustainable practices; violence and a dissolution of the sense of community among farmers; the loss of many small farmers’ landholdings to large commercial farmers; and increased suicide rates of small farmers.

How did the Green Revolution benefit the environment?

This reduced production costs and also resulted in cheaper prices for food in the market. The ability to grow more food on the same amount of land was also beneficial to the environment because it meant that less forest or natural land needed to be converted to farmland to produce more food.

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What is Green Revolution How did it benefit the farmers Class 12 economics?

Answer: Green Revolution led to an increase in the production of food grains. With the use of modern technology, extensive use of fertilisers, pesticides and HYV seeds there was a significant increase in the agricultural productivity and product per farm land.

How did the Green Revolution play a role in the protest by Indian farmers?

In the 1960s, India introduced a system of agricultural subsidies. The government paid for some pesticides and irrigation. That assistance helped Indian farmers boost their crop yields, eventually making India self-sufficient in food. It was called the Green Revolution, and farmers were the heroes at the center of it.

What is meant by Green Revolution explain its impact and way out for agriculture?

The Green Revolution was a period when agriculture in India was converted into an industrial system due to the adoption of modern methods and technology, such as the use of high yielding variety (HYV) seeds, tractors, irrigation facilities, pesticides, and fertilizers. Mainly led by agricultural scientist M. S.

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What is the green revolution in agriculture?

Ray Offenheiser: The Green Revolution was the emergence of new varieties of crops, specifically wheat and rice varietals, that were able to double if not triple production of those crops in two countries.

What was the green revolution in agriculture?