
Why does no2 group show its effect only at ortho and para positions?

Why does no2 group show its effect only at ortho and para positions?

Nitro group is an electron withdrawing group. Hence it pulls the ring electrons towards itself. Due to this process it decreases electron density at ortho and para position of the the ring.

Is no2 ortho para directing or meta directing?

Since NO2 is an electron withdrawing group, a glance at the resonance structures shows that the positive charge becomes concentrated at the ortho-para positions. Hence, NO2 is a meta-director, as we all learned in organic chemistry.

Why is para position more stable than ortho?

While in para hydrogen, the proton nuclear spins are aligned antiparallel to each other. – These two forms of molecular hydrogen are also referred to as spin isomers. – Now, due to antiparallel spin arrangement, para hydrogen has less energy and thus, they are more stable than ortho hydrogen.

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Is nitrobenzene ortho para or meta directing?

Yes, Nitro-group is meta-directing. The nitro group strongly deactivates the benzene ring towards electrophilic substitution. Nitro group is electron withdrawing group and thus causes electron deficiency at ortho and para positrons as is clear from the resonating structures of nitro benzene.

Why does NO2 show M effect?

3) The nitro group, -NO2, in nitrobenzene shows -M effect due to delocalization of conjugated π electrons as shown below. It releases electrons towards benzene ring through delocalization. As a result, the electron density on benzene ring increases particularly at ortho and para positions.

Does NO2 show inductive effect?

The large inductive effect of NO2 is the result of the formal + charge located on nitrogen. This electron deficiency withdraws electron density from the aryl ring.

Does no2 show Mesomeric effect?

3) The nitro group, -NO2, in nitrobenzene shows -M effect due to delocalization of conjugated π electrons as shown below. Note that the electron density on benzene ring is decreased particularly on ortho and para positions.

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Which is more stable between ortho and para hydrogen?

Depending upon the direction of the spin of the nuclei, the hydrogens are of two types: Ortho hydrogen molecules are those in which the spins of both the nuclei are in the same direction. At 0°K, hydrogen contains mainly para hydrogen which is more stable.

Why is nitro benzene meta directing?

Resonating structure of nitrobenzene shows +ve charge develops in ortho and para positions. As a result, the electron density at meta position is relatively higher than at the ortho and para position. Hence, nitro group is meta directing in electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction.