
What is QlikView what if analysis?

What is QlikView what if analysis?

What if analysis is a scenario based analysis of Qlikview which enable user to visualize output in different case studies. Within QlikView you may wish to add further power to your applications by giving your users the ability to drive the analysis by variables that can be defined on the fly.

How many types of reports are there in QlikView?

QlikView reports come in two flavors, document reports and user reports. Created with the QlikView document and stored as part of the QVW file. Any user accessing the QlikView document locally or via QlikView Server can access the document reports in the document.

What are different types of loads in QlikView?

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Types of loads in Qlikview

  • Laod from file: You can load your data from excel/msdb/txt etc files or by creating ODBC and connecting to your database directly.
  • Inline Load:
  • Resident Load:
  • Incremental Load (Differential/Delta Load):
  • Binary Load:
  • Add load:
  • Buffer load:

What are set modifiers and set identifiers in QlikView?

A set modifier modifies the selection of the preceding set identifier. If no set identifier is referenced, the current selection state is implicit. There are several ways to define the selection as described in the following.

What is loads in QlikView?

QlikView Binary load is the file loading of pre-existing QVW files from QlikView document to another. Such binary QVW data files are loaded from the RAM to disk (in 0s and 1 s) and is then ready for loading into another QlikView file/document.

What is set analysis qlik sense?

When you make a selection in an app, you define a subset of records in the data. Set analysis offers a way of defining a scope that is different from the set of records defined by the current selection. This new scope can also be regarded as an alternative selection.

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What is keep in qlik?

The keep command in QlikView is used to combine data from two data sets keeping both the data sets available in memory. First difference is − in case of keep; both the datasets are available in QlikView’s memory while in join the load statements produce only one data set from which you have to choose the columns.