
What do you mean by magnetic field lines?

What do you mean by magnetic field lines?

Magnetic field lines are a visual tool used to represent magnetic fields. They describe the direction of the magnetic force on a north monopole at any given position.

What are magnetic field lines Class 12th?

The magnetic field line is the imaginary path along which an isolated north pole will tend to move if it is free to do so. The magnetic lines of force are closed curves. They appear to converge or diverge at poles. outside the magnet, they run from north to south pole and inside from south to north.

What are magnetic field lines Class 9?

Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines around the magnet. The magnitude of a field is indicated by its line’s density. Near to South and North Pole of a magnet, the magnetic field is stronger and will get weaker when it moves away from the poles.

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Are magnetic field lines real?

No, a magnetic field is not a discrete bunch of lines. Field lines are real in the same sense that the arrows are, or the contour lines on a map. They aren’t just a picture – they genuinely represent something mathematical about the field. But the field lines I choose to draw aren’t unique.

What are magnetic field lines and write its properties?

Magnetic field lines appear to emerge or start from the north pole and merge or terminate at the south pole. Inside the magnet, the direction of the magnetic field lines is from the south pole to the north pole. Magnetic field lines never intersect with each other. Magnetic field lines form a closed-loop.

What is meant by magnetic field Class 6?

The force of attraction around a magnet, which is maximum at the poles (ends) of the magnet, is called magnetism. The area around a magnet where the magnet’s forces work is called the magnetic field. In simple words , a magnet is a object which produces a magnetic field.

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What is a magnetic field Class 7?

(c) Magnetic field is defined as the region around a magnet where the magnetic force can be experience by an object. Magnetic field lines emanate from the North Pole and terminate at the South Pole of a magnet (outside the magnet).

Why do magnetic fields form lines?

The reason for the creation of these pretty iron filing shapes is that each little iron filing, when subject to a magnetic field, becomes a little dipole itself. This causes the clumping into lines that you see, as the opposite ends of the dipoles move together.

Do electric field lines actually exist?

No, they do not exist. Electric field lines are only imaginary. They are the paths along which an imaginary unit charge would move when free. Their number is infinite as paths (Electric field lines) can be infinite.

What are magnetic field lines How is the direction?

The lines are directed from north pole to the south pole outside the magnet while they are directed from south pole to north pole inside the magnet. A tangent drawn on a magnetic field line gives the direction of the magnetic field at that point.