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Can someone be born without touch?

Can someone be born without touch?

The condition, also called congenital peripheral sensory neuropathy, is caused by a genetic mutation that disrupts the development of sensory nerve fibers that carry sensations such as touch, pain, temperature and vibration to the brain.

Can people be born without any senses?

Imagine a baby is born with no senses. Throughout their life, repeated tests show that the person has a normally functioning conscious brain, just like the rest of us. But the person never sees, hears, feels, smells, or tastes anything.

What would happen if someone was born without any senses?

A persons without senses could very likely stay alive (being kept alive by others), but he wouldn’t be more aware of his own existence than any animal (in fact, he would be less aware of it) and being unable to incorporate new knowledge, it would be a perfect blank. No thinking, not at all.

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What is it called when you can’t feel touch?

Hypoesthesia or numbness is a common side effect of various medical conditions which manifests as a reduced sense of touch or sensation, or a partial loss of sensitivity to sensory stimuli. In everyday speech this is generally referred to as numbness.

What if you lost all 5 senses?

Originally Answered: What would happen to/in our brain if we lost all five senses at once? You would be unconscious. Your brain would detect no input signals, decide you wre bunny-out, and reduce the frequency for consciousness, and put you to sleep.

What is it called when you have no sense of touch?

What happen if you dont have sense of touch?

You can somewhat overcome losing your sense of smell, sight, taste, or hearing. But if you lose your sense of touch, you wouldn’t be able to sit up or walk. Somatosensation, which is another word for our sense of touch, occurs in a number of forms, like feeling texture, temperature, pressure, pain or vibration.

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What is the seventh sense of human?

This sense is called proprioception. Proprioception includes the sense of movement and position of our limbs and muscles. For example, proprioception enables a person to touch their finger to the tip of their nose, even with their eyes closed. It enables a person to climb steps without looking at each one.