
Is it weird to visit old teachers?

Is it weird to visit old teachers?

It’s fine to visit old teachers but be cognizant of the fact your visit is taking instructional time away from the students presently in the classroom. A better way might be to call the school, ask the clerk to leave a note for the teacher requesting an appointment.

What do you say to a past teacher?

Best Things to Say to Your Former Teachers

  1. I wouldn’t be where I am without you. Running your own business.
  2. I never forgot this one thing you said to me.
  3. You saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself.
  4. I’m still using a skill you taught me.
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Do teachers miss their former students?

Yes, but the numbers go down as the years go on. I miss a lot of my first “crop” of students. I taught 150 students my first year. I could probably name 100 of them still-not too shabby, I think.

Can you walk around your old school?

You may approach the school officials, and tell them that you are a former student of that school and would like to visit. The school officials will likely ask you for reasons to visit, so be prepared to answer. If your request is granted, you may be accompanied by school staff and/or security officers.

How do high school teachers stay in touch?

Keeping in touch with your high school teachers after graduating can lead to a lot of opportunities. Ask them for advice about jobs, internships, or even if you’re questioning your major. Sending your favorite teacher a quick email to say hello takes minimal effort, and they’ll be happy to hear from you.

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How do you tell a teacher you miss them?

Telling somebody that you miss them can be a nice thing….Neutral ways to say you have missed someone without actually saying it:

  1. It’s been too long!
  2. Good to see you again!
  3. I’m glad we get a chance to meet again.
  4. Im glad to get a chance to see you again.

Can I have a relationship with my teacher after I graduate?

The short answer is yes, if you are both legal adults. It’s legal. Depending on how quickly you start dating after graduating, there may be some ethical considerations. When I was in school, I knew of several teachers who married former students.

Can high school teachers be friends with students?

No. Teachers and students share small parts of life’s journey with one another every day. If they find something in common, are thoughtful toward one another, and through extended time, develop trust beyond that of mere acquaintances, they can’t help but become friendly with one another, and this is a good thing.

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