
What was the Blitz like for children?

What was the Blitz like for children?

Children lived in fear from the constant threat of air raids. They spent some nights living in air raid shelters just in case German planes dropped bombs on their houses. One in ten of the deaths during the Blitz of London from 1940 to 1941 were children.

Did schools close during WWII?

As all the children and their teachers living in urban districts were expected to move to the rural areas, most schools in the towns were closed down. However, only around 50 per cent of the children living in the towns became evacuees. This meant that around a million children were now without schools.

What was life like in London during the Blitz?

Life was very hard during the Blitz and frightening too. London, in particular was very bad as it was bombed nearly every night. People in London spent most nights sleeping in Air Raid Shelters. No one within any distance of a likely target such as a big city could sleep entirely easy in their beds.

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What was education like during ww2?

In the United States, World War II, like the Great Depression, had a devastating effect on education. Much united effort was directed toward war resources and away from social programming. School funding was not immune, and much of the budget reserved for schools was redirected to support the Allied war effort.

What was rationing like in ww2?

Rationing made sure that people got an equal amount of food every week. Every person in Britain was given a ration book. They had to register and buy their food from their chosen shops. There were no supermarkets, so people had to visit several different shops to buy meat, vegetables, bread and other goods.

How did ww2 affect schools in London?

Increasingly as the war went on, and when the Blitz started [in September 1940], schools were being requisitioned for civil defence, and therefore were closing down. Of course, many were bombed as well; something like 20 per cent of schools in London were damaged in the course of the war.

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What was it like for a child in ww2?

Children were massively affected by World War Two. Nearly two million children were evacuated from their homes at the start of World War Two; children had to endure rationing, gas mask lessons, living with strangers etc. Children accounted for one in ten of the deaths during the Blitz of London from 1940 to 1941.

What did London do during the Blitz?

The raids on London primarily targeted the Docklands area of the East End. This hub of industry and trade represented a legitimate military target for the Germans, and some 25,000 bombs were dropped on the Port of London alone.

How was education after ww2?

The government also became vigilant and introduced a better system for inspecting and granting recognition to private schools; the slipshod system of elementary education was also improved. The number of colleges and secondary schools continued to increase as the demand for higher education developed.

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What was rationed during WW2 UK?

When World War II began in September 1939, petrol was the first commodity to be controlled. On 8 January 1940, bacon, butter and sugar were rationed. Meat, tea, jam, biscuits, breakfast cereals, cheese, eggs, lard, milk, canned and dried fruit were rationed subsequently, though not all at once.

How did rationing work in WW2 UK?

The Ministry of Food was responsible for overseeing rationing. Every man, woman and child was given a ration book with coupons. These were required before rationed goods could be purchased. Basic foodstuffs such as sugar, meat, fats, bacon and cheese were directly rationed by an allowance of coupons.