
Why did Ron Weasley have a rat?

Why did Ron Weasley have a rat?

Scabbers was actually Peter Pettigrew in his Animagus form. After tricking Sirius, Pettigrew transformed into a rat and stayed that way for twelve years, from November 1981 to June 1994, living as Percy and then Ron’s pet, Scabbers, in order to hide from the Death Eaters who thought he had betrayed Voldemort.

How many years did the Weasleys have Scabbers as a pet rat?

twelve years
After Voldemort’s fall, he faked his own death and framed Sirius for betraying James and Lily, as well as for his own murder and those of the twelve Muggles he killed during his escape. Peter spent twelve years living in his Animagus form as the Weasley family’s pet rat, Scabbers.

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Was Scabbers a real rat in the movies?

Scabbers the Rat & Trevor the Toad Ron Weasley’s fat rat named Scabbers was played by 12 different real rats in addition to a fake, mechanical one. During Scabbers’ big candy-box scene on the Hogwarts Express, the mechanical rat was mostly used.

Can you have a rat at Hogwarts?

In Harry’s Hogwarts letter in The Philosopher’s Stone, it says: “Students may bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.” A rat is not one of these three pets. …

Why are Scabbers missing toes?

Last but not least, Rowling made sure to mention when describing Scabbers that he was missing one of his toes. When Pettigrew faked his death, he cut a finger off and left it behind, so Scabbers having only one toe was the biggest clue to its real identity.

Can Hogwarts students have dogs?

While dogs are still not on the official approved list of pets allowed in the castle, exotic pets have been given the all clear, as long as they are properly maintained. Free roaming animals, such as cats, will have to be spayed/neutered in order to stay in the castle.

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How did the Weasley family get Scabbers?

Scabbers was the pet of Ron Weasley in the first three instalments of the series. He originally belonged to Ron’s brother, Percy, but when Percy was given an owl as a reward for becoming a prefect, Scabbers was handed down to Ron.

What gender is Crookshanks?

Physical information
Species Half-cat/half-Kneazle
Gender Male
Hair colour Ginger