
How do I find owner details in NoBroker?

How do I find owner details in NoBroker?

Answers ( 3 )

  1. Firstly log in to your NoBroker account.
  2. Once you login to your Nobroker account, you can search for the property of your desired location.
  3. On your dashboard you can see the shortlisted properties.
  4. Click on the shortlisted category and click on the contact owner option.

How do I get my NoBroker contact details?


  1. Register using your contact details.
  2. Search for the property using filters for location, property type, etc.
  3. Go to ‘Get Owner Details’ and the details will be sent to your email address.

Who owns NoBroker?

Amit Kumar Agarwal – Founder
Amit Kumar Agarwal – Founder & CEO – | LinkedIn.

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How do I find out who owns a property online in India?

You need to register and login on the site. To find out property details select the year, district and enter the name of the village. Enter Property number SurveyNo./CTSNo./MilkatNo./GatNo./PlotNo. Click on Search and property record will be displayed on the screen.

Is no broker app free?

Answer ( 1 ) NoBroker has the free option available to contact the owners and tenants. By downloading the NoBroker app you can get 9 free owner contacts if you are a tenant.

Is NoBroker app free?

How do I upload to NoBroker?

I will explain to you in a few steps about how to give advertisement for house rent to make it easier for you.

  1. Click here to post your property on NoBroker.
  2. Register at Nobroker.
  3. Select the location and type of property.
  4. Add pictures of the property.

How do I delete my NoBroker account?

To delete your NoBroker account you can send an email to [email protected]. Raise a request to delete your account, also mention your reasons for the same.

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Is no broker profitable?

Subscription leads op-revenue but ‘NoBroker Pay’ stands out NoBroker saw its revenue from operations shoot up by 250.3\% within 12 months, from Rs 18.08 crore in FY19 to Rs 63.34 crore in FY20.

How do I find out who owns a property online in up?

How can I check my land registry online in UP?

  1. Go to Bhulekh UP.
  2. Click on Khatauni Ki Nakal Dekhin on the home page.
  3. Enter the details like village, tehsil, and district.
  4. Enter the captcha displayed and click on green button.
  5. The details of the land records will be displayed.