
What should I be thinking about when praying the rosary?

What should I be thinking about when praying the rosary?

Think about your prayer intentions for the Rosary before you begin praying. You may have one or more intentions for the entire Rosary or you may have a different intention for each decade. Decide what you will do. As you pray, mention your intention(s) at the beginning of each decade.

Is it bad to pray for something bad to happen?

It’s not necessarily a sin, but praying for evil or bad to befall someone will gain you bad karma. Karma is created by thoughts and desires as well as actions. Thoughts and prayers to wish bad on someone violate the concept of ahimsa, non-violence.

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Is the Rosary wrong to pray?

It is, after all, a good and proper thing to meditate on the events of our Savior’s life on earth. However, the practice of praying the rosary is an amalgamation of biblical truth and pagan practice, making it an unacceptable practice for the child of God.

How do you pray when bad things happen?

Pray to God and listen carefully to where the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. Continue faithfully seeking the Lord and wait on Him to lead the way. If you feel like He isn’t responding to your cries, remember His promises that He is always listening to your prayers and He will always respond to them…

Can the Rosary be said without the mysteries?

Praying the Rosary without beads is just as valid as with beads. Absolutely! The beads are only to help keep count. Each of the mysteries has an Our Father, ten Hail Marys, one Glory Be, and the Fatima prayer.

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What is the focus of the Rosary?

The rosary also represents the Catholic emphasis on “participation in the life of Mary, whose focus was Christ”, and the Mariological theme “to Christ through Mary”.

Is it illegal to pray for someone’s death?

Is it okay to ask God to do harm to another person? The theology of such “imprecatory prayer” may be a matter of debate, but a Dallas judge has ruled it is legal, at least as long as no one is actually threatened or harmed.

Is it okay to pray to saints?

Yes, the Holy Bible does teach us to ask others (including saints in Heaven) to pray for us. It would be wrong to treat St. Mary, or any other saint in Heaven (human or angelic) as a god, to revere them that way, or to ask them to grant us anything, as if they had the power to do that.