
What causes a heterogeneous endometrium?

What causes a heterogeneous endometrium?

Endometrial hyperplasia is caused by too much estrogen or not enough progesterone. Both of these hormones play roles in the menstrual cycle. Estrogen makes the cells grow, while progesterone signals the shedding of the cells. A hormonal imbalance can produce too many cells or abnormal cells.

What does it mean when the uterus is heterogeneous?

The heterogeneous appearance reflects the infiltrative process of islands of heterotropic endometrial tissue that are scattered diffusely throughout the myometrium and that are poorly demarcated from the surrounding myometrium (,28,,29) (,Fig 11).

Is homogeneous endometrium normal?

Homogeneous, smooth endometria measuring 5 mm or less are considered within the normal range with or without hormonal replacement therapy (,28). The endometrium in a patient undergoing hormonal replacement therapy may vary up to 3 mm if cyclic estrogen and progestin therapy is being used (,22).

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What does endometrium mean on ultrasound?

Your uterine lining is called the endometrium. When you have an ultrasound or MRI, your endometrium will show up as a dark line on the screen. This line is sometimes referred to as the “endometrial stripe.” This term doesn’t refer to a health condition or diagnosis, but to a normal part of your body’s tissue.

Is a heterogeneous endometrium normal?

The normal postmenopausal endometrium will appear thin, homogenous and echogenic. Endometrial cancer causes the endometrium to thicken, appear heterogeneous, have irregular or poorly defined margins, and show increased color Doppler signals.

What is normal endometrial thickness premenopausal?

The normal premenopausal endometrial thickness is reported to be 2–4 mm after menses with an echogenic appearance. At ovulation, the endometrium appears layered and is 10–14 mm thick. After ovulation, the endometrium resumes a more uniform echogenic appearance and ranges from 10 to 14 mm in thickness (,3) (,Fig 1).