
Why do the Cardassians look different?

Why do the Cardassians look different?

To make the Cardassians look menacing, makeup artist Michael Westmore was tasked with creating a life form that was cold, mean, scaley, and slimy. Westmore stuck to the wide-necked look because he felt it looked so exotic on Aliamo.

What happened to the Cardassians?

Post-War crises and reconstruction efforts (2379-2385) In 2382, 472 Cardassians from the Bajor coalition’s war crimes list disappear from Cardassia Prime within four months. In the following year, Cardassia Prime is swept by a resurgence supporting religion and spirituality.

Who are the Cardassians modeled after?

Michael Westmore based the Cardassian look on an abstract painting he had seen two years earlier of a wide-shouldered woman with what appeared to be a spoon in the center of her forehead. Beverly Crusher does not appear in this episode.

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Why do some Cardassians have blue?

On Cardassian females, the ridge in the center of the forehead often had a blue coloration, as did the second or third rung down on their neck ridges. This coloration may be a form of cosmetic make-up, similar to henna ink make-up and markings.

Why did the Cardassians leave ds9?

Their brutality led to the deaths of ten million Bajorans. This eventually gave rise to the fierce Bajoran Resistance, which used guerrilla and terror tactics. The Cardassians eventually withdrew due to political pressure from the Federation, as well as the Resistance’s constant attacks.

Why did the Cardassians turn on the Dominion?

The Cardassian fleet changes sides With the battle still raging, the Cardassian fleet – with knowledge of the Dominion’s vindictiveness – ultimately switched sides, turning on their Dominion allies in response to the destruction of Lakarian City, much to the benefit of the crew of the USS Defiant.

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Why do Cardassians want Bajor?

Cardassian rule The most common jobs were mining ore and working in factories, and once assigned to a job, a Bajoran was forbidden from leaving it. However, Cardassian officers often “selected” Bajorans for random interrogations or forced relocation.

Is Cardassians a Bajoran?

Cardassians are the same species as Bajorans the same way the Pah-wraiths are the same species as the Prophets. Dukat had explained that the Pah-wraiths were removed from the celestial temple because they wanted to take a more active role in the events on Bajor.