
Who brought Christianity to Romania?

Who brought Christianity to Romania?

Saint Andrew
According to Romanian legend, the area of Romania was introduced to Christianity by Saint Andrew in the 1st century AD. This legend has been embraced by both the Romanian Orthodox Church and the government as part of the national identity.

What was the religion of ancient Romania?

Origins. The reconstruction of ancient Dacian and Thracian religion and mythology has been strictly connected with the field of dacology. Amongst contemporary supporters of Zalmoxianism, the emigrant dacologist Octavian Sărbătoare even proposed to make it the official religion of Romania.

What kind of religion is Romanian Orthodox?

Romanian Orthodox Church
Type Eastern Christianity
Classification Eastern Orthodox
Scripture Septuagint, New Testament
Theology Eastern Orthodox theology

Is the Romanian Orthodox Church in communion with Rome?

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The outcome was that, in the general synods of 1697 under Bishop Theophilus and of 1698 under Bishop Athanasius, the clergy decided in favor of communion with the Roman Church. …

Are dacians Vikings?

A new Hero for the vikings would be The Dacian,a barbarian folk that originated from nowday Romania and had ties to the Vikings,they fought The Roman empire back when Emperour Trajan rulled,they had reversed katana like swords and were huge people with a specufic kind of hat.

Did the Romans invade Romania?

Romans conquer and colonize Dacia (modern-today Romania). Dacia is a province of the Roman Empire. Dacians gradually adopt numerous elements of the conquerors’ language. After fighting off the barbarian Goths, most Roman troops abandon Dacia.

Who were the first inhabitants of Romania?

stone age hunters
The earliest inhabitants of Romania were stone age hunters who lived about 8,000 BC. In time the people of Romania learned to farm and then they learned to make bronze tools. Eventually, they learned to use iron. From about 600 BC the ancient Greeks traded with the people they called Getae.