
How do you get your crush to accept your follow request on Instagram?

How do you get your crush to accept your follow request on Instagram?

Speak up and let your crush know that you’ve requested to follow them, but more importantly, speak up and let them know you’re interested in them….It is depends on the situation.

  1. If you show your interest too much on him/her, that probably scares them out.
  2. They don’t like you at all.

How do you get someone to accept your follow request?

You can get someone to accept your follow request on Instagram by doing these:

  1. Send them a direct message with greetings.
  2. Comment on their new stories.
  3. Respond to their public stories if you see any.
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How do you attract your crush on Instagram?

You can simply post a picture or a meme to attract their attention, instead of directly sending them a message. There are many ways by which you can get a response from your crush on Instagram, be it uploading a relatable story or posting a cute picture of yours!

How do you know if someone has rejected your follow request?

Originally Answered: Can you tell if someone rejects your follow request on Instagram? If you send them a request and the next time you check their profile, it says “Follow,” then they rejected it. If it says “Following,” they accepted it. If it still says “Requested,” they haven’t accepted nor declined it.

Should I send follow request to my crush on Instagram?

Although, if you are looking to follow them and get them to start a conversation about it, you should just DM (direct message) them. Don’t be too worried about your crush finding you weird if you randomly follow them.

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Should you send your crush a friend request?

Nothing wrong with sending him a friend request. Though it’s against the classic dating norm where the guy is supposed to make the first move, it’s actually pretty healthy for the girl to make the first move. Especially if you’ve known him for a while, go ahead and click ‘Add Friend’!