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What is the role of a union rep?

What is the role of a union rep?

A trade union representative (‘rep’) is a union member who represents and gives advice to colleagues when they have problems at work.

Can anyone be a union rep?

Why become a rep? Members join because they want the union to protect and improve their pay and conditions in their working lives. This is unlikely to happen without an organised approach for which we need reps. Anyone can become a rep.

How do you get a union rep?

First, that it is a Formal Meeting with your employer about a problem or concern you have at work. This could be on a disciplinary, grievance or other similar matter. Second, that the person who you want to accompany you is either a work colleague or a representative of a trade union.

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Are union reps any good?

The report also found that union reps spend over 250,000 hours per week on duties and activities for which employers don’t pay them. It is a role acknowledged and valued not just by unions and their members, but also by some of the UK’s biggest and most successful employers.

Can a company refuse a union rep?

If your employer refuses a reasonable request to be accompanied by a colleague, trade union representative or official, you should point out that you have a legal right to be accompanied. If your employer still refuses, you can make a claim to an employment tribunal.

What can a union rep say in a disciplinary?

The representative is permitted to address the disciplinary hearing to: put the worker’s case; sum up that case; and/or respond on the worker’s behalf to any view expressed at the hearing. The representative is also permitted to confer with the worker during the disciplinary hearing.

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Can an employer refuse a union rep?

It was previously thought that an employer could refuse a worker’s choice of companion if the employer could show that the choice was unreasonable. However, it now appears that providing the employee chooses a colleague or trade union representative, the employer has no right to refuse their choice of representative.

Can a union rep be made redundant?

Even if an existing member of staff is given your job, you can still be made redundant legally, provided there is an overall loss of jobs. This means that an employer can normally reshuffle their workforce after making some people redundant as long as they are genuinely reducing the size of their workforce.

Will being a union rep affect my career?

Trade union reps believe they are sacrificing their careers to represent their colleagues, exclusive new research has revealed. Shockingly, more than one-third (36\%) of HR professionals also agreed that union reps’ careers may be harmed. …

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Can a union help me if I’m not a member?

Workers may ask an official from any trade union to accompany them at a disciplinary or grievance hearing, regardless of whether or not they are a member or the union is recognised.

Can my union rep speak for me?

They can choose to be accompanied by a co-worker or a union representative. The Trade Union Representative can present and/or sum up your employee’s and say things to support their case. They can confer during the hearing but cannot answer questions on their behalf.

Can a union rep speak in a disciplinary?

The legal position is the same whether the representative is a trade union official or a work colleague. The representative is permitted to address the disciplinary hearing to: put the worker’s case; sum up that case; and/or respond on the worker’s behalf to any view expressed at the hearing.