
Did Krishnamurti believe in meditation?

Did Krishnamurti believe in meditation?

Krishnamurti suggests that meditation is directly related to our everyday activities, not something separate, and is only possible with order in our daily life. Krishnamurti saw each of his talks not as an imparting of information but itself a meditation, holding a mirror up to ourselves so that we can look accurately.

What according to Jiddu Krishnamurthy is the functions of education?

Krishnamurti often stated that the purpose of education is to bring about freedom, love, “the flowering of goodness” and the complete transformation of society.

What did Jiddu Krishnamurti study?

While he showed a natural aptitude in sports, Krishnamurti always had problems with formal schooling and was not academically inclined. He eventually gave up university education after several attempts at admission. He did take to foreign languages, in time speaking several with some fluency.

What according to Krishnamurti limits a person intellectual growth?

When we train our children according to a system of thought or a particular discipline, when we teach them to think within departmental divisions, we prevent them from growing into integrated men and women, and therefore they are incapable of thinking intelligently, which is to meet life as a whole.

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What is the purpose of education according to Jiddu Krishnamurti?

In The Function of Education Jiddu Krishnamurti argues that the purpose of education is to prepare people for life. That is done by making students feel free, so that they can think freely, and won’t conform to society.

At what age Jiddu Krishnamurti got enlightened?

experienced a devastating biological transformation on his 49th birthday, an event he refers to as “the calamity”. He emphasized that this transformation back to “the natural state” is a rare, acausal, biological occurrence with no religious context.
