
Why are people opposed to cremation?

Why are people opposed to cremation?

Religions like Orthodox Christianity, Islam and Judaism follow traditions that frown upon cremation, even prohibiting it. Traditionally, their culture believes that the idea of turning human body into cremation ashes might interfere with God’s ability to resurrect the dead and bring it to heaven.

Is cremation better than?

Although cremation is more eco-friendly than burial, cremations burn much natural gas (a temperature of to 750 to 800 degrees must be maintained for 45 to 90 minutes) releasing greenhouse gases and vaporising other chemicals that may be present in the body such as mercury (dental fillings) and dioxins and furans.

Is cremation a sin against God?

A: In the Bible, cremation is not labeled a sinful practice. Frankly, the topic is not dealt with at all in terms of the detailed lists of instructions for living and dying set forth by almighty God in the Old and New testaments. The short answer to your question appears to be no, cremation is not a sin.

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What does it say in the Bible about cremation?

The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Nevertheless, many Christians believe that their bodies would be ineligible for resurrection if they are cremated. This argument, though, is refuted by others on the basis of the fact that the body still decomposes over time after burial.

Is it bad to be cremated?

As cremation becomes more common, people around the world are seeking greener end-of-life options. But while it’s true that cremation is less harmful than pumping a body full of formaldehyde and burying it on top of concrete, there are still environmental effects to consider.

Is it wrong to be cremated?

Most Christian churches agree that when cremation is chosen, the cremains should be treated with similar dignity and respect as would be afforded in a traditional funeral. However, not all Christians agree that cremation is an acceptable alternative to burial.

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What is the advantage of cremation?

Advantages of Cremation Ashes are stored in an urn, and they can be taken home, stored, or scattered where the deceased has requested. Being cremated wastes fewer resources than a burial. Funeral services or memorials can be held later, allowing friends and family to arrive from far away.