
What is the force in uniform magnetic field?

What is the force in uniform magnetic field?

The magnetic force is proportional to q and to the magnitude of the vector cross product v × B. In terms of the angle ϕ between v and B, the magnitude of the force equals qvB sin ϕ. An interesting result of the Lorentz force is the motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field.

Where the magnetic field is uniform in solenoid?

A solenoid is a tightly wound helical coil of wire whose diameter is small compared to its length. The magnetic field generated in the centre, or core, of a current carrying solenoid is essentially uniform, and is directed along the axis of the solenoid.

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What happens to the current loop when it is placed in a uniform magnetic field?

The net force on a closed circular current carrying loop placed in a uniform magnetic field is zero.

Why is force zero when magnetic field is uniform?

An electric dipole consists of two equal but opposite charges separated by a small distance. Since the field is uniform, the positive and negative charges experience equal but opposite forces. The ‘net’ force is therefore zero.

Does a solenoid experience a force due to a magnet?

The segments of a magnetized bar which is in the vicinity of the end of a current carrying solenoid will feel this force. Segment inside the solenoid where the field is nearly uniform will not. If the south pole of a magnet is entering the north pole of a solenoid it will be pulled in.

Where is the magnetic field uniform?

A uniform magnetic field is a circumstance where the magnetic field lines are moving from North to the South Pole of a magnet with a uniform severance and they are peripatetic in a straight line, this is not probable to acquire with a single stable magnet.

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What is the force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field?

The force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field is F = IlB sin θ. Its direction is given by RHR-1.

What happen when a current carrying loop is placed inside a non-uniform magnetic field?

Hint The question is saying that a current- carrying loop is placed in a non- uniform magnetic field. Since the magnetic flux is non-uniform the change in magnetic field intensity will apply a force on the current- carrying loop and as a result, it’ll also apply a torque that is generated during the process.

What will happen when a magnetic needle is kept in a non uniform magnetic field?

In a non uniform magnetic field magnetic needle experiences a torque and force both. Torque experienced both in uniform and non uniform magnetic field. While Force is zero in uniform magnetic field.

What happens to a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field?

When a magnetic rod, (which can be taken as a magnetic dipole), is kept in a uniform magnetic field, the North Pole senses a force equal to the multiplication of the magnetic field intensity and the pole strength in the magnetic field direction.