
Why do we use rockets instead of planes to get to space?

Why do we use rockets instead of planes to get to space?

Most rockets use high-speed gases. These gases push the rockets up and away from Earth. They push the rocket up into space where there is no air. Remember: rockets do not need air to lift them up as planes do.

Can you shoot a projectile into space?

Fires can’t burn in the oxygen-free vacuum of space, but guns can shoot. Modern ammunition contains its own oxidizer, a chemical that will trigger the explosion of gunpowder, and thus the firing of a bullet, wherever you are in the universe. No atmospheric oxygen required.

What is it like to take off in a rocket?

In the space shuttle, astronauts are strapped in on their backs a few hours before launch. As the main engines light, the whole vehicle rumbles and strains to lift off the launch pad. Seven seconds after the main engines light, the solid rocket motors ignite and this feels like a huge kick from behind.

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Why can’t an airplane fly in space but a rocket can?

Because a rocket is designed to fly into space, and an airplane is designed to fly in the atmosphere. Rocket: carries its own supply of oxygen (there’s none in space), so that it can continue to burn fuel (usually hydrogen).

Can we launch a space shuttle from an airplane?

All in all, launching a space shuttle by making it take off from a runway like an airplane is not an entirely ridiculous idea, but the technical ramifications of such a launch are far too complex, and the costs associated are much, much higher than the conventional vertical launch.

What is the difference between a rocket and an airplane?

Rocket: carries its own supply of oxygen (there’s none in space), so that it can continue to burn fuel (usually hydrogen). It doesn’t need wings as the rocket motor provides thrust to propel it and there is no air to affect its path (once it leaves the atmosphere). Airplane: uses the oxygen in the atmosphere to burn fuel (usually kerosene).

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What is the main objective of a rocket after launch?

The main objective of a rocket (say, a space shuttle) after its launch is to ‘make it into orbit’. This means that the rocket has to achieve a specific path, which in this case is an orbit around Earth. Why does a rocket need to make it into orbit?