
What is the number 1 Discord server?

What is the number 1 Discord server?

The official Discord for the Fortnite game is the largest Discord server in the world currently.

What is the most successful Discord server?

The most popular Discord servers

Rank Server Name Members
1 Fortnite 827,000
2 Genshin Impact 800,000
2 Minecraft 800,000
2 Valorant 800,000

What is the point of a Discord server?

Discord is a free voice, video, and text chat app that’s used by tens of millions of people ages 13+ to talk and hang out with their communities and friends. People use Discord daily to talk about many things, ranging from art projects and family trips to homework and mental health support.

What is MrBeast gaming Discord?

The MrBeast Gaming Discord server is an official Discord server from MrBeast and his crew., the former link of that server, now serves as a general MrBeast server with chatting channels included, with that server also being official.

How many Discord users are there 2020?

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300 million
Discord registered users

Year Registered users
2017 45 million
2018 130 million
2019 250 million
2020 300 million

How do you grow Discord?

5 Ways to Grow Your Discord Server

  1. Be active within your community.
  2. Make your server focused on a subject that people mostly like.
  3. Advertise your server on server listing websites/other discord servers.
  4. Spread the word.
  5. Advertise it on Advertise Your Server.

Who named discord?

Jason Citron
History. The concept of Discord came from Jason Citron, who had founded OpenFeint, a social gaming platform for mobile games. He eventually sold OpenFeint to GREE in 2011 for US$104 million, which he used to found Hammer & Chisel, a game development studio, in 2012.