
In which phase of the cell cycle does RNA and protein synthesis occur?

In which phase of the cell cycle does RNA and protein synthesis occur?

growth phase
G1 or Gap 1 Phase is the very first phase of the cell cycle which immediately begins with the formation of new daughter cells. This phase is also known as the growth phase since the cell grows in size in this phase. Along with growth, desired RNA and protein is synthesized in this phase.

What happens in interkinesis stage?

During interkinesis, the single spindle of the first meiotic division disassembles and the microtubules reassemble into two new spindles for the second meiotic division. Interkinesis follows telophase I; however, many plants skip telophase I and interkinesis, going immediately into prophase II.

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Does protein synthesis occur in interkinesis?

After the first cytokinesis, there may be a short period of rest before the new cell proceeds to meiosis II. This resting period is called interkinesis or interphase II. No DNA replication occurs in interphase II. Nevertheless, proteins and RNAs are synthesized before the cell proceeds to meiosis II.

What phase of interphase is RNA and protein synthesis?

During interphase, RNA and proteins are synthesized in G1 phase.

During which phase enzymes and protein are synthesized?

During the two G phases, cell growth, protein synthesis,and enzyme synthesis are occurring, while during the S phase DNA is replicated.

Does protein synthesis occur in G2 phase?

Protein synthesis during G2 phase is required for normal mitotic progression. So far, we have shown that inhibition of either Wee1/Myt1 or p38 can overcome a cycloheximide-induced arrest and allow G2 phase cells to progress into mitosis in the absence of protein synthesis.

How is interkinesis different from interphase?

Interphase is the period that occurs before meiosis and mitosis, where the DNA replication takes place. Interkinesis is the period between telophase I and prophase II. It is a period of rest for the cells before they undergo meiosis II. No DNA replication occur during this period.

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What happens in interkinesis DNA replication chromosome duplication preparation of second meiotic division resting stage?

-Between the two divisions of meiosis I and meiosis II a second growth phase which is called interkinesis may occur. There will be no DNA replication in this stage. -During interkinesis, in the second meiotic division, the spindle reassembles which were disassembled during the first meiotic division.

Is interkinesis and cytokinesis the same?

Interkinesis is the period between telophase I and prophase II. It is a period of rest for the cells before they undergo meiosis II. No DNA replication occur during this period. Cytokinesis is the period where the separation of two daughter cells occur, thus completing the process of cell division.

What phase are proteins synthesized?

Proteins are synthesized at the G1 and G2 phase of life cycle.

Which RNA proteins are synthesized?

In eukaryotic cells, however, the two processes are separated in both space and time: mRNAs are synthesized in the nucleus, and proteins are later made in the cytoplasm.

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Is RNA synthesized in S phase?

Conclusions: Cells synthesize RNA during the interphase, but at a variable rate with a peak in S. The synthesis proceeds in a majority of the cells at prophase, but only in a few of them at prometaphase and metaphase, and in none at anaphase and telophase.