
What is PTSD confused with?

What is PTSD confused with?

However when this happens, it is usually PTSD being mistaken for ADHD because inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive behaviors make people automatically think it is ADHD (the more common diagnosis) even though these behaviors can also be the result of chaos, neglect or abuse involved in trauma.

What is the difference between traumatic stress and PTSD?

Learning more about these conditions can help you differentiate between the two diagnoses. Acute stress disorder refers to the initial traumatic symptoms that arise immediately after a traumatic event. PTSD refers to the long-term aftermath of trauma.

Can you be diagnosed with both PTSD and depression?

When PTSD and Major Depression Co-Occur Having these two mental health conditions together is not uncommon. Statistics show that about half of all people diagnosed with PTSD also have depression. It may even be possible to consider PTSD with depression a subtype of the traumatic disorder.

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Is there such thing as mild PTSD?

Additionally, a traumatic incident may cause mild PTSD symptoms in one individual while chronically debilitating another. Duration of symptoms also varies, with some people recovering from trauma naturally in the first 3 months, and others experiencing symptoms for months or years.

What is the difference between chronic and acute PTSD?

Philip Holcombe] So the difference between acute and chronic post-traumatic stress disorder is the timeline of the symptoms. So when the symptoms occur for less than four weeks but longer than two days, we diagnose that as acute PTSD. When the symptoms last for longer than four weeks, we call that chronic PTSD.

Can PTSD cause suicidal thoughts?

With post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), your symptoms can be overwhelming. You may be thinking about harming yourself, or even thinking about suicide. Sometimes people with PTSD also have depression, panic attacks, severe anxiety, or a substance use problem. This may put you at a higher risk for suicide.

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Does PTSD shorten your life?

Chronic PTSD has been shown to increase the risk of having a variety of health issues and decreased life expectancy.