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How do I get RSS feeds to my email?

How do I get RSS feeds to my email?

Adding an RSS feed to my email

  1. Hit the “Engage” menu, hover the mouse pointer over “Email”, and hit “Create”.
  2. Pick the “Contact list” you’ll be doing this send to.
  3. Enter your feed’s URL (or simply type in your website address), then click “Check” and choose how will the feed look in your email.

What happens when you subscribe to an RSS feed?

RSS is a simply an Internet technology standard that allows busy people to receive updates to web-based content of interest. But basically, that’s the essence of an RSS feed – you subscribe and then receive new content automatically in your feed reader.

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What are RSS emails?

The RSS email is simply an email template that you can customize to include the latest items from a particular feed, such as the RSS feed from your blog. You can use any email template that you like for this email, as long as it contains a main email body module.

What does an RSS feed enable you to do?

An RSS feed is a file that contains a summary of updates from a website, often in the form of a list of articles with links. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and it offers an easy way to stay up to date on new content from websites you care about.

How do I add an RSS Feed to my Outlook email?

Subscribe to an RSS Feed from Outlook

  1. In Outlook, right-click the RSS Feeds folder and choose Add a New RSS Feed.
  2. In the New RSS Feed dialog box, enter the URL of the RSS Feed. Tip: If you need help finding the RSS feed URL on a website, look for an RSS icon.
  3. Choose Add > OK.
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Is RSS Feed safe?

Popular RSS and Atom feeds could carry malicious JavaScript code that would compromise a PC, an expert warned. LAS VEGAS–Reading blogs via popular RSS or Atom feeds may expose computer users to hacker attacks, a security expert warns.

Do I need RSS Feeds?

RSS feeds remain great for an in-depth look at a site’s new content — not just the stuff that gets pushed up on social media. If you are genuinely devoted to a site and want to see everything it has to offer, then an RSS feed is still the best way to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Can Gmail read RSS feed?

One interesting alternative to Google Reader can be found within Google — one you know won’t be going anywhere: Gmail. With a few easy steps, you can turn part of your inbox into an RSS reader, accessible on your desktop computer, mobile phone, or just about anywhere you can access your Gmail account.

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Can Gmail read RSS?

Using the Inbox Feed The Gmail Inbox Feed will output your Inbox as an XML document. You can use an RSS aggregator to view this, or you can consume the feed with your own app.