
Are INFJs intense?

Are INFJs intense?

It’s important to mention that being intense all the time causes INFJs to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and ultimately leads to burnout. INFJs analyze almost everything, so we can spend days pondering why a person, object, or event is so important to us. This intense behavior can have its drawbacks, quite a few of them.

Why are INFJs intense?

They both have an inferior mental process called Extraverted Sensing, or “Se” for short. This means that they both tend to process information in a similar way, and they both tend to get stressed and annoyed by similar things. These processes work together to give INJs an intense, focused demeanor.

What is it like to be loved by an Infj?

INFJs typically do not have a slew of close relationships. Instead, INFJs tend to prefer a small number of deep, intimate friendships and relationships, and may only have a few long-term romantic commitments in their entire lives; love is held in high esteem and is not given away to just anybody or anything.

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How weird is INFJ?

INFJs do find themselves being called weird or strange fairly often, even from a young age. They can be viewed as “old souls” or be misunderstood because of the way they keep things to themselves. INFJs are known to be the rarest personality type, which is exactly what can make them be seen as weird.

Are INFJs awkward?

INFJs can appear awkward at times, or even behave awkwardly, but this is often because of their incredible sense of intuition and empathy. INFJs who have alienated themselves can start to become uneasy in social settings, even though they are capable of being rather charming and outgoing people.

Are INFJs chaotic?

INFJs definitely don’t like extreme chaos, but that doesn’t mean they cannot cope with it. INFJs do prefer having things planned so that they can maintain a sense of harmony in their environment, but they can certainly handle a bit of chaos.