
Are kobolds and dragons related?

Are kobolds and dragons related?

Kobolds are a fictional race of humanoid creatures, featured in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game and other fantasy media. They are generally depicted as small reptilian humanoids with long tails, distantly related to dragons.

What is the difference between a kobold and a dragon?

Kobolds were similar to dragons, but while dragons had warm blood, kobolds were cold-blooded. Due to this, they were susceptible to cold, especially if it was brought on quickly. While each kobold valued its own life, the tribe came first. They considered the success of their tribe to be their own success.

Can a kobold become a dragon?

Races of the Dragon offers the Dragonwrought feat, available to 1st-level Kobolds. The feat changes the Kobold’s type to Dragon, and gives them True Dragon-esque age categories (wyrmling, young adult, etc., up to great wyrm).

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Who is the Kobold God?

Kurtulmak (pronounced: /ˈkɜːrtʊlmɑːk/ KUR-tul-mak) was the patron deity of the kobolds, and they claimed he gave them life. After Kurtulmak created the kobolds and taught them the skills of thieving and pillaging, the gnomes entered into an eternal conflict with his creations, angering him.

Are kobolds slaves?

Kobolds were created as slaves for dragons, but do not necessarily need to serve a dragon.

Where did Kobold originate?


The kobold Heinzelmann
Grouping Mythological creature Fairy Sprite
Country Germany

What is the meaning of Kobold?

Definition of kobold 1 : a gnome that in German folklore inhabits underground places. 2 : an often mischievous domestic spirit of German folklore.

How do kobolds mate?

Kobolds do not maintain monogamous relationships, and due to the importance they place on propagation, they choose mates by practical measures rather than love or other emotions. Mating is an impersonal act for kobolds. Kobolds are extremely fecund egg-layers, having the highest birth rate among humanoids.

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Why do kobolds like candles?

Candles. Despite living underground, kobolds do not have keen nocturnal sight, and rely on candles to traverse the mines they call home. The Bluewax of Candle Rock frequently mention that if a kobold’s candle goes out, or if they lack a candle altogether, “the darkness” will “eat them”.

What does Kurtulmak look like?

Description. Kurtulmak appears as a 5-foot tall kobold with steel scales. His tail has a poisoned stinger on its tip, and he also wields a spear. He exudes an aura of fear, causing foes to flee in panic.

Why do Kobolds hate gnomes?

5th Edition includes a section entitled The Lost God which details why they hate gnomes in this edition–in the distant past, the gnomes’ god tricked the kobold’s god, Kurtulmak, into being locked in a maze forever. Because of that, the kobolds hate gnomes and pranks forever.