
Are NASA reports anonymous?

Are NASA reports anonymous?

By filing a NASA report, you make your concerns known in an anonymous way, so that any disincentive to make the report because of embarrassment or concern about FAA enforcement action is predominantly removed.

How do I report to NASA?

You Can Gain Valuable Immunity For Participating Let’s say you’re on a flight, and you inadvertently violate an FAA regulation. If you file a NASA report (which you can do at: ), you could gain valuable immunity by participating in the program.

Who can submit aviation safety reports to NASA?

Submit a Report:

  • General – Pilots, Dispatchers, Others.
  • ATC – Air Traffic Control.
  • Maintenance – Mechanics.
  • Cabin – Cabin Crew.
  • UAS – Pilots, Visual Observers, Crew.
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What is Losa in aviation?

What is LOSA? A Line Operations Safety Assessment ( LOSA ) is an observational program for collecting safety-related data during normal operations. LOSA , a voluntary, non-threatening, non-punitive, peer-to-peer observational process, has been implemented in airline flight operations since the late 1990s.

What Is an ASAP report?

The Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) is a voluntary reporting program in which airlines and other Part 121 operators team up with the FAA to enhance flight safety. The goal of ASAP is to detect problems and safety hazards in flight operations before those problems cause an accident.

What information is de identified when a report is submitted through the Aviation Safety Reporting System ASRS )?

The report is de-identified to protect your confidentiality. Names, dates, and times will be removed or generalized, and any other identifying information will be removed or de-identified. NASA ASRS Expert Analysts may call you to obtain additional information to help us understand the safety issue.

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What is a line operation safety audit program and what it does?

Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) is seen as an important way to help develop countermeasures to operational errors. It aims to identify threats to operational safety, identify and minimise the risks which are the origin of such threats and implement measures to manage the human error aspects of the residual risk.

What does Foqa stand for?

Flight Operational Quality Assurance
Unless you’re in the aviation business, you’re probably unfamiliar with the acronym FOQA. In fact, many pilots couldn’t tell you what it means. Pronounced foe-kwah, it stands for Flight Operational Quality Assurance. It’s an automatic recording and reporting system installed in some commercial aircraft.

Are ASAP reports anonymous?

You explain that ASAP is a web-based self-reporting system, intended to be anonymous, that encourages voluntary reporting of safety issues and events. Specifically, aircrews are encouraged to report operational threats and aircrew errors that are not reported by other means and would otherwise remain unknown.