
Are PVC rafts good?

Are PVC rafts good?

PVC: Pro: inexpensive. Cons: not particularly durable, can crack when rolled in cold temperatures, tend to be mass produced so these boats are known for quality issues.

What is the best material for a raft?

Three main rafting materials are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane (also called urethane) and Hypalon. All 3 materials can be used to make are high quality inflatable rafts. The materials start with a fabric base that is covered by a unique synthetic rubber like substance.

What are white water rafts made of?

Rubber rafts are typically made from chlorosulfonated polyethylene a synthetic rubber often marketed under the DuPont® trademark Hypalon®. This material is a strong chemical resistant material that makes up the bulk of whitewater raft material.

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What is better PVC or Hypalon?

Nearly all inflatable boats are built using either PVC or CSM/Hypalon fabric. Generally speaking, CSM/Hypalon RIBs are more expensive – sometimes more than twice as – but they also are much more resilient to UV exposure and to accidental gas, oil, or chemical exposure, such as fuel spills, than their PVC counterparts.

Why was Hypalon discontinued?

Hypalon production was discontinued by its original manufacturer, DuPont, back in 2009. This was due to production safety reasons and environmental considerations. For one, when Hypalon burns it releases highly toxic fumes. Moreover, Hypalon contains lead-based additives, well known for dangers and restrictions.

What happened to Avon rafts?

Until 1994, Avon Inflatables formed part of Avon Rubber, but the business was then sold and now operates independently of its former parent. Since 1998, the company has been a division of Zodiac Marine of France.

How long do PVC rafts last?

Summary: PVC inflatable boats will last anywhere between 2-10 years depending on the manufacturer, the use, and care it receives. Welded PVC boat will outlast those made with glues/adhesives. Hypalon (CSM) boats usually last 7-15 years, but can last as many as 20 years.

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Which state has the best white water rafting?

Top 10 Best Places to Go Whitewater Rafting in the USA

  1. Snake River (Wyoming) Naturally, our number one choice is the Snake River.
  2. Colorado River (Arizona)
  3. Gauley River (West Virginia)
  4. Salmon River (Idaho)
  5. Kennebec River (Maine)
  6. Youghiogheny River (Pennsylvania)
  7. Arkansas River (Colorado and Arkansas)
  8. Rogue River (Oregon)

What boats do the Navy Seals use?

The NSW Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) is an 36-foot (11-meter) high-speed, high-buoyancy, extreme-weather craft used for moving SEAL tactical elements to and from the ship and beaches. It is large enough to transport an entire SEAL squad.

What replaced Hypalon?

Hypalon was discontinued by its manufacturer (DuPont) and is now sold under its slightly different formula and new name “CSM” or Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Rubber.