
Are the 3 nephites still on the earth?

Are the 3 nephites still on the earth?

Yes, the Savior granted to John the Beloved and the Three Nephites their desire to tarry on the earth. …

Is there evidence to support the Book of Mormon?

Even though a testimony is gained only by a prayerful study of this record, still there are many external evidences found that would sustain or support the Book of Mormon….

Archaeological Evidences Book of Mormon
Cement of unusual strength Hel. 3:7, 9, 11
Towers seen by Cortez in his explanation Alma 48:1; Alma 50:4

Is there any historical truth to the Book of Mormon?

Many members of the Latter Day Saint movement believe that the Book of Mormon is historically accurate. Most, but not all, Mormons hold the book’s connection to ancient American history as an article of their faith. Latter Day Saints believe that Lamanites are among the ancestors of the Native Americans.

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Are Nephites in the Bible?

“Nephi” is not found in the King James Bible but is found in the Apocrypha as a place name. The Apocrypha are part of the Catholic collection of scriptures (which was available in Joseph’s day) but is not included in the Protestant scriptures such as the King James Version Bible.

Did the Nephites exist?

The Nephites are described as a group of people that descended from or were associated with Nephi, the son of the prophet Lehi, who left Jerusalem at the urging of God in about 600 BC and traveled with his family to the Western Hemisphere and arrived to the Americas in about 589 BC.

Is Lamanites real?

The existence of a Lamanite nation has received no support in mainstream science or archaeology. Genetic studies indicate that the indigenous Americans are related to the present populations in Mongolia, Siberia, and the vicinity, and Polynesians to those in Southeast Asia.

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What ocean did the Nephites cross?

From the Arabian coast, winds and currents allow travel toward the east across the Indian Ocean into the Pacific, thus continuing the basic direction followed from Nahom onwards (1 Nephi 17:1). But, they also allow one to sail southwards down around Africa and then west across the Atlantic Ocean.

Where did D&C 7 come from?

Doctrine and Covenants 7. Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829, when they inquired through the Urim and Thummim as to whether John, the beloved disciple, tarried in the flesh or had died.