
Are the Norse gods stronger than Greek gods?

Are the Norse gods stronger than Greek gods?

Originally Answered: Which gods are more powerful, the Greek or the Norse? Greek are immortal. Norse are not. Additionally, Zeus is omnipotent and Odin is far away from that.

Is Greek pantheon stronger than Norse?

From what we’ve seen and heard so far, the Aesir of the Norse pantheon isn’t any better than the Olympians of the Greek pantheon and are just as bad. Though it’s worth mentioning that there are some legitimate reasons for this that stay true to the original Norse myth.

Who is the equivalent of Osiris in Norse mythology?

The Norse equivalent is Sun. Set: Some associated him with Hades since both are usually associated with Evil, but Hades, as lord of the Underworld, would be better associated with Osiris. The Norse equivalent is Loki. Shu: Shu is sometimes said to be an equivalent of the air god Aeolus in Greek mythology.

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Could the Greek gods kill the Norse and Egyptian gods?

The Greek gods are the only ones that are truly immortal so they cannot die . So they could probably kill the Egyptian and Norse gods . But demigod wise the Greeks are the most powerful ecosecially cinsidering they have the romans at camp Jupiter too.

What are the similarities between ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology?

Both cultures agreed that the Egyptian pantheon is largely comprised of those beings the Greeks called the elder gods. Ra was seen as synonymous with Helios for example. Nuit was seen as synonymous with Nyx, and Shu with Ouranos. In Greek mythology, the Olympians are superior to the elder gods.

What is the Norse equivalent of the Greek god Aeolus?

The Norse equivalent is Loki. Shu is sometimes said to be an equivalent of the air god Aeolus in Greek mythology. He is also associated with the Greek monster Typhon, but most people say that Typhon’s equivalent is Apophis, god of true chaos.