
Are there any benefits of playing OSU?

Are there any benefits of playing OSU?

In the end, your plays reflect the maximum that you are able to achieve given your current capabilities. As such, if you focus on impoving your skills (aim especially for farming), your pp growth will reflect your improvement. Getting a 300pp play is no different from hitting any other milestones.

What is the point of playing OSU?

Its gameplay is inspired by other rhythm games, including Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, Taiko no Tatsujin, Happy Feet, Beatmania IIDX, Elite Beat Agents, O2Jam, StepMania and DJMax….osu!

The osu! logo since 2015
Screenshot of osu!lazer, the in development stage of an open source version of osu!.
Middleware OpenTK

Is osu good for hand eye coordination?

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OSU! As a game, OSU! tests your hand-eye coordination and takes it beyond its limits. Such a game can benefit significantly from the unique tech that is eye tracking to enhance the experience for both players and spectators.

Can I play osu offline?

You can sign out of your osu! account and play offline without disabling internet, but those scores will not submit when you sign back in.

What fingers do osu players use?

I think I speak for roughly 99\% of all osu players when I say index and middlefinger. Middle finger and index on z/x respectively.

Can you train aim at OSU?

Osu! Is a fantastic introduction to aim trainers even if it isn’t officially one itself. While it doesn’t offer advanced analytics like dedicated trainers, it can still serve your purpose as a fun warm-up tool. Fun is a key aspect of getting better at any game, and Osu!

How do I use osu?

Playing “Osu!” is straightforward. Simply follow the numbers and click the circles to the beat of the music, and hold the trails with your mouse. If you miss too many, the song will stop and you’ll fail. “Osu!”

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How many osu players are there?

I went ahead and manually added up all players by country from this link and figured I should share the number. 7,928,405 standard osu! players global.